Executive Board
Meet the Executive Leadership of the Beta Delta Chapter!

Ryan Teague
"PSP has allowed me to meet some amazing people that I consider to be some of my closest friends. It's also given me amazing leadership opportunities that have pushed me to better myself."

Vice President
Carla Gibson
"My favorite part about PSP is the community that we build together. Getting to hangout with my Beta Mu class and other Brothers have been one of the reasons why that I have loved my time in this amazing fraternity."

Initiate Advisor
Olivia Kemp
"The best part about PSP is making friends with people who otherwise, I may have never met on campus. It's really nice to have a community of people who are different in many aspects but share a common goal and passion. PSP is a great way to branch out and meet people in your college community who are the right fit for you."

Initiate Advisor
Bennett Spitz
"When I transferred to NCSU I was looking to meet some people. Through PSP I have been able to find a group of friends that I feel included and welcome in. The range of personalities and people are truly the best part of PSP!"

Recording Secretary
Gabby Tamargo
"My favorite thing about PSP is the people. I’ve been able to make strong friendships and connections with people I wouldn’t meet day to day."

Corresponding Secretary
Ethan Bendheim
"After joining PSP, there hasn't been a day where I haven't seen another brother on campus and had a chat! It's been super rewarding to make friends and connections each semester."

Andrew Shehan
"My favorite part about being in PSP is the community and people within. There are a wide range of majors involved which means exposure to almost every part of academia from people who genuinely want to get to know you."

Rishi Gupta
"My favorite part of PSP has to be the opportunity of meeting new people and making friends. PSP holds so many enjoyable events throughout the semester for all brothers, old and new!

Erik De Jesus
"PSP is a great environment and has brought me the opportunity for leadership."

Brother At Large (BAL)
Jon Badillo
"My favorite part of PSP is the recruiting process because it's always a new and fun experience. It's also a lot of fun to meet all the new PNMs!"